
Philosophy and Goals

Mission Statement
The mission of Seton Catholic School is the religious and academic formation of students in preparation for their lives as productive Catholic adults.

Statement of Philosophy
Seton Catholic School is a Catholic Christian community dedicated to a total educational program. We believe that every facet of life is important: spiritual, physical, intellectual and emotional. We strive to instill Christian values so that each student becomes a force of good in God's world. Concurrently, our educational program leads, encourages and aids each student to develop his/her intellect to its full potential. We respect the unique attributes of each student. Thus, by providing the atmosphere of living and learning in the light of faith, we encourage each individual to become a whole person — his/her own person.

Our Vision
Seton Catholic School will continue to be a school of excellence with a strong focus on its Catholic identity and academic distinction. Our school will provide superior academic preparation through a challenging curriculum, while promoting the ongoing formation and spiritual growth of the next generation of Catholic leaders to live the Gospel and to meet their full potential in preparation for a life of service in society. Seton School will actively work to build a solid relationship with the four supporting parishes by encouraging ongoing communication between parishioners and school. A dedicated and caring faculty will be the hallmark of Seton’s academic excellence. We will be recognized as a vital, indispensable part of education in the Illinois Quad Cities.

Statement of Goals

Spiritual Goals

  • To develop an awareness of Christ in self and in others

  • To develop Christian values and attitudes

  • To increase the knowledge of and respect for the teachings of Christ

  • To present basic Catholic doctrine

  • To foster responsibility for one’s actions

  • To witness our faith through our actions

  • To worship and pray together

  • To nurture a faith filled life for everyone involved in and with the school

  • To build a faith community

Academic Goals

  • To give each child the necessary encouragement and aid to independently attain individual goals

  • To provide differentiated learning situations in which personal achievement and success are attainable

  • To strive for a stimulating and challenging educational program that provides for individual needs

  • To strive for an environment which will enhance the realization of our part in the world community

Administrative Responsibility

  • To provide the educational leadership and the administrative skills to build a faith community through which the total development of each student is promoted

  • To provide encouragement and understanding to the faculty and students, recognizing each as an unique individual

  • To strive for harmony with the school community, providing an opportunity for honest, open communication

  • To aid teachers in providing a total educational program whereby every child is given the opportunity to succeed

Faculty Responsibility

  • To show acceptance and encouragement of each child as an unique individual

  • To provide for the individual needs of each student

  • To exemplify Christian principles and attitudes

  • To maintain professional ethics at all times

  • To communicate and interact with the adult personnel: faculty, principals, parents, priests and the Seton School Commission on Education

  • To show a spirit of cooperation within each department and between departments

  • To continue participation in professional activities and continuing education

Student Responsibility

  • To strive to achieve to the fullest of one's ability

  • To exemplify a concern toward one's self and others

  • To cooperate with the school laws and regulations

  • To accept and respect the uniqueness of each person

  • To assume, according to age level and intellectual capacity, co-responsibility with the faculty for development of individualized programs

  • To play a supportive role in school activities

Parental Responsibility

  • To be the primary educators of their children

  • To cooperate and work in conjunction with the Seton School's faculty, staff and administration

  • To be active in and supportive of the Seton School Parents' club

State Recognition & Admission Policy

State Recognition
Seton Catholic School obtained Full Recognition by the State of Illinois under the guidelines for Recognition of Non-Public Elementary Schools in 2016. Seton School has met the standards set by the Illinois State Board of Education and fulfilled application requirements.

AdvancED - North Central Accreditation
Seton Catholic School received full re-accreditation in 2016 from North Central Association Commission on Accreditation and School Improvement. NCA CASI is an entity of AdvancED which is the world's largest education community, representing public and private schools and districts worldwide. Accreditation is a voluntary process by which an institution commits to a systematic process of school improvement through self-study and periodic evaluations from external educational professionals. The AdvancED accreditation process validates the school's compliance to standards that promote quality schools and continuous improvement towards enhanced student achievement.

NCA CASI certification demonstrates Seton Catholic School's compliance and commitment to ensuring a quality experience for its students. To learn more, visit AdvancED.

Admission Policy
No student shall be refused admission to Catholic schools on the basis of race, color, sex, national or ethnic origin. Students of religious denominations other than Catholic may be admitted according to local policy.

Statement of Purpose

"From the first moment that a student sets foot in a Catholic school he or she ought to have the impression of entering a new environment, one illumined by the light of faith and having its own unique characteristics, an environment permeated with the Gospel spirit of love and freedom..." - The Religious Dimension of Education in a Catholic School, #25

Catholic schools in the Diocese of Peoria are established to assist the Bishop and Pastors in the transmission of the Faith to the young people of the diocese. We welcome non-Catholic students into our schools who wish to take advantage of the opportunities provided by Catholic education. Every school must have as its main goal to help each student develop a personal and ecclesial relationship with our Lord Jesus Christ, who is "the Way, the Truth, and the Life" (John 14.6). The principles, practices, and beliefs of the Catholic Faith must be fully integrated throughout the school's curricula, service projects, co-curricular activities, and culture.

Students in our Catholic schools are reminded of their dignity as children of God through the study of Catholic doctrine, frequent opportunities for personal and communal prayer, and active participation in the sacramental life of the Church. Together with parents, the primary educators of their children, our Catholic schools pursue academic and spiritual excellence by helping students to develop their intellectual abilities, foster wholesome friendships, practice discipleship, strengthens their daily prayer life, grow in virtue, and become leaders through serving others.

All personnel that work in our Catholic schools must have at heart the promotion of the educational mission of the Church, and live as visible role models of faith within the parish/school community. Catholic doctrinal, moral, and social teaching is an integral part of each school. Therefore, all faculty, staff, administrative and volunteer personnel must support the teachings of the Church, actively practice their faith in daily life, and be loyal to the Church's Magisterium. Our Catholic school personnel share this educational mission and its various commitments and responsibilities with parents and the local Church communities.

"It is crucial that the policies and procedures of Catholic schools reflect that primary purpose and that the Catholicity of the school and its faithfulness to the teaching authority of the Catholic Church (Magisterium) are not compromised." - Sister Mary Angela Shaughnessy, SCN, J.D., Ph.I.